This is a lecture given on the second day of the Great Commission conference commanded by Jesus. According to Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus gave the command to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and teaching them to keep all the Scriptures. This video is available on earth. It contains information on how to build a church by obeying commands and living a life based on the Word.
What is Jesus’ command in Matthew 28?
Matthew 28:18-20 is Jesus’ final command, emphasizing that it is Jesus’ mandate for ministry. This command contains the message that God will be with us until the end of the world as we make disciples of all nations, baptize them, and teach them to keep His Word. This command appears in each Gospel other than the Gospel of Matthew, but the words in the Gospel of Matthew summarize it well. According to the Bible, the way to make disciples of a nation is to receive the power of the Holy Spirit and evangelize. In Acts chapter 1, you pray and in chapter 2, you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Bible mentions signs and wonders performed by the apostles, and records cases where healing and salvation were achieved through faith.
What do Christian believers need?
Christian believers must receive power to do God’s work. People who try to work with their own strength reject God’s commands and create religion. Christianity should not try to build a church with human power, but should be done with the power of the Holy Spirit. Even when building a church, it must be accompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit.
What is the core of Christianity?
Christianity centers on the Word, and any other faith that departs from the Word is considered merely a religion and an abomination. Any belief that has no basis in the Bible is a false belief and brings about the wrath of God. Christianity is centered on Jesus and must be established according to the Word. Right faith is built on rock, but wrong faith is built on sand. Doing ministry without receiving power is an act of rejecting God.
What is the core of Great Commission discipleship training?
A sermon aimed at many people must give hope and comfort, and it is important to allow the Holy Spirit to teach during the Great Commission discipleship training with 12 people. The instructor reads and explains, but the Holy Spirit teaches and enlightens. The Holy Spirit helps us grow, rebuke, and overcome trials. If a lecturer hurts his students, they often leave the church, so the lecturer should not be hurtful. Preaching must give comfort and hope, and in discipleship training, it is important to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that the Holy Spirit can teach.
Christianity must be built on the Word
Isaiah 29:10-13 describes the punishment of those who reject God’s will. People who do not understand the Bible cannot realize the truth, and any religion that departs from God’s ways is not ‘Christianity’ in the true sense of the word. Leaving the Word means not having proper faith. Christianity must be built on the Word, and leaving it can lead to deception and false faith. If you do not follow God’s ways, it cannot be called Christianity, and you will deviate from the right path and fall into false beliefs.
New Covenant Established by God
In the Old Testament, God’s word was engraved on stone tablets, but the Israelites broke them, so God engraved a new covenant in Jeremiah 31. In Hebrews 10, we read that He fulfilled Jesus’ eternal atonement and promised to write God’s law on our hearts and minds, and He did so. Because of this, the Holy Spirit places the Word of God in our minds and writes it on our hearts.
What is the importance of the Ten Commandments?
The law is the law that God gave to His people to keep. What is abolished among the laws is the sacrificial system, and the laws of conduct such as the Ten Commandments are not abolished and must be observed. In Matthew 5, it says that He did not come to abolish the law, but that He came to perfect it. If you keep the Ten Commandments, society, your family, and the church will be blessed; if you break the Ten Commandments, you will be destroyed. This law is so great that it is used as a core part of the laws of every country in the world, and the Bible records that most people who break it will not enter the kingdom of God. It is important to keep this law in your heart, and when it is written in your heart, you can overcome any temptation.
What are the characteristics of a person filled with the Holy Spirit?
People who are filled with the Holy Spirit enjoy prayer, and because God is with them, prayer is not difficult. God is within me and gives me joy and eternal pleasure, and I can feel the thrill by believing in Jesus. By studying Romans and the Gospel, you can realize the love of Jesus and the existence of the Holy Spirit, and people filled with the Holy Spirit can connect with God through prayer. People who are filled with the Holy Spirit enjoy prayer, build a relationship with God, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, pain disappears and they are filled with joy.
How to achieve family heaven?
If you read Ephesians chapter 5, it says that a wife must submit to her husband, and the husband must love his wife until death. Before the Great Commission, she judged her wife, but after she began the Great Commission, when she reads this book of worship, it says that it is God’s job to judge her wife. When you let God do the judging for others and do what you have to do, your marital relationship becomes as affectionate as that of lovers. When we love and obey God’s word without judging each other, our family becomes heaven, and there are no fights, and we achieve family heaven.